Friday, 10 April 2015

Symptoms of Diabetes | When You Should See Your Doctor

Symptoms of Diabetes | When You Should See Your Doctor

symptoms of diabetesStudy has shown that 24 million people in the U.S are suffering from diabetes but only I8 million of these people know they have it. And about 90% of those people are suffering from type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes is sometimes called ‘The Silent Killer’ because it has some easy-to-miss symptoms. Maria Collazo-Clavell an endocrinologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn once said that “Almost every day people walk into my office with diabetes that is not aware of it”.

The best way to be aware of it is to have a blood sugar test. However, if you have any of the symptoms given below you can see your doctor.

Symptoms of Diabetes #1 – Excessive urination & increased thirst

If you need to urinate all the time and especially if you always get up at night to use the bathroom, this could be symptoms of diabetes.

The kidneys work greatly to get rid of all that extra glucose inside your blood and hence the urge to ease yourself.

The increased thirst means your body is trying to restore those lost fluids.

Symptoms of Diabetes #2 – Weight-loss

Excessively high blood sugar levels can bring about fast weight loss, like 10-20 pounds over 2 or 3 months but it isn’t a healthy weight loss.

Because your insulin hormone is not getting glucose into the cells that it can be made use of as energy, the body will further think it is starving and starts making use of the protein from the muscles as a substitute source of fuel.

The kidneys are also working to get rid of the excess sugar, and this leads to calories loss and can hurt the kidneys.

Symptoms of Diabetes #3 – Hunger

Increased hunger is also one of the symptoms of diabetes and it can come from sharp peaks and low levels of blood sugar.

When blood sugar levels plunge, the body will think it has not been fed and long for more of the glucose that cells need for their functioning.

Symptoms of Diabetes #4 – Skin issues

When your skin itches as a result of dry skin or poor circulation, it can often be part of the warning symptoms of diabetes, as are many other skin conditions, like acanthosis nigricans.

Symptoms of Diabetes #4 – Slow healing

Those Infections, cuts, and bruises that do not heal quickly are part of the symptoms of diabetes.

This occurs because the blood vessels are being harmed by the large amounts of glucose touring the veins and arteries.

This makes it difficult for the blood that is needed to ease healing to get to different parts of the body.

Symptoms of Diabetes #5 – Fatigue and irritability

Going to the bathroom often during the night will make anybody tired, as will the additional effort your body is using to repay for its deficiency of glucose.

And tiredness as well will make you irritable.

Symptoms of Diabetes #6 – Blurry vision

Having twisted vision and seeing floaters or irregular flashes of light are results of high blood sugar levels.

Blurry vision is a refraction issue. When the glucose inside your blood is high it changes the shape of the eye and the lens.

The good part of this is that this symptom is reversible when blood sugar levels are restored to normal or close to normal. But if you let your blood sugar go unchecked for a very long period the glucose will result in permanent damage and possibly result in blindness. And that one is not reversible.

Symptoms of Diabetes #7 – Numbness or tingling

Numbness and tingling in your hands and your feet, as well as a burning pain or swelling, are signs that your nerves are being harmed by diabetes.

If these symptoms are recent, it can still be reversed. Similar to vision, if blood sugar levels are allowed to run rampant for a long period of time, nerve damage also known as neuropathy will be permanent.

Symptoms of Diabetes #8 – Blood tests

Numerous tests are used to check for diabetes, but a one test result alone is not always enough on its own to diagnose diabetes which means that the test has to be repeated. An example is the fasting plasma glucose test, which you can use to check your blood sugar after a night or after 8 hours of not eating.

Blood glucose above 126 (mg/dL) on 2 occasions means you have the disease.

The normal cutoff is 99 mg/dL and a blood sugar level of 100-125 mg/dL is considered pre-diabetes, another condition on its own.

Despite all these symptoms of diabetes, there is tested and trusted way to safely and naturally cure diabetes. It is known as the Diabetes Free program by Dr David Pearson. You can read more on it HERE.

 Naturally Cure Diabetes Today!

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